Start Your Own Home Based Fish Farming Business in Uttarakhand

Aquaculture,Polyculture or Fish Farming in Uttarakhand
Aquaculture,Polyculture or Fish Farming in Uttarakhand

Fish is a very healthy and nutritious protein which is popular around the world. Industrial fish farming, or aquaculture, provides almost half the seafood around the world and this is expected to increase.

Fish is a delicious and nutritious protein source that is also rich in nutrients like omega-3 Fatty acids that improves our heart health and lowers our blood cholesterol level. Farmed fish has been playing an important role in meeting global protein demands.

Rising fish at home could open up many profitable opportunities today. Home raised fish could easily be sold for profit around the neighborhood or restaurants. There are people who want locally raised fish from organic farms. It could also supply you and your family with delicious fresh seafood. So, why not start your own home based fish farm?

How to start home based fish farming business

First thing you will need to start a home based fish farming business is some basic knowledge about raising fish. You will also need to learn about the business side of farming. To raise fish you will need some space in your backyard for digging a fish pond or anywhere else if you want to raise fish in containers. Fish can be raised in any kind of fish tanks, containers, and tubs. You could even raise fish in barrels.

You will need some basic knowledge about fish, so I would suggest that you get as much knowledge as you possibly can about fish farming.

Whether you decide to start a backyard fish farm or indoor container based aquaculture, the more knowledge you have the better chances you will have to succeed in your home based fish farming business.

What equipment do I need?

To start a simple home based fish farm you will need to dig a fishpond or gather some fish tanks or containers for indoor fish farming. Choose water from a reliable source. Your municipal supply water would be fine. Once you have your pond or container setup, get your juvenile fish and some fish feed to start.

For large scale pond based fish farms, you would need some additional equipment. A list of equipment is given below.

You will need the following for a commercial fish farm:
Aquarium or fish tank
Aeration Devices
Net or Seine Reels
Handling and Grading Equipment
Water testing equipment

What should you consider before starting a fish farm?

aquaponic fish farmingIt’s possible that after you have raised fish at home, you find aquaculture a profitable business for you and decide to buy more property and start to expand your farming program. You will need starting capital, commercial equipment, and more people to start a large scale farm.

There are many ways you could gather the necessary funding and help from others to get started. Make a business plan and prepare a feasibility report that calculates all your expenses and profits. This would help you to get bank loans and also to attract partners or investors.

If you are really enthusiastic about fish farming, you should try to get as much help as possible. Try to get a partner or work with another fish farm to gather experience at first. So, before you enter the aquaculture industry and start your own fish farming business, consider all possible factors and decide if fish farming is the best business for you.


This post is originally posted in and curated by admin of Uttarakhand Business Center.